Ardalanish Farm, the home of Isle of Mull Weavers, produces a range of beautiful tweeds, from the wool of their native Hebridean sheep.

Ardalanish Farm is set in a beautiful coastline of white sands and turquoise seas, fringed with flowering machair. Here you will find the native Hebridean sheep that provide much of the wool for the beautiful tweeds produced by Isle of Mull Weavers, located in the heart of the farm.

If you can’t visit Ardalanish farm, you can browse their wonderful tweeds online. The old Victorian Dobcross power looms produce the highest quality of cloth produced which, once made into garments,  can last for generations.

The colours of the tweeds are beautiful earthy shades from the wool; black and charcoal brown, fawn, silver grey and creamy white, while natural plant dyes add brighter colours to the weave. As well as using the wool from Ardalanish Farm, Hebridean, Shetland and Manx Loaghtan wool is also sourced from other Scottish farms.