Check out the Mull and Iona Food Trail, which will inform you which cafes, restaurants and hotels use island ingredients and where to buy local fish and island meats.

The Mull and Iona Food Trail began in 2015, to showcase the delicious local produce available on Mull and Iona, and the surrounding islands. The idea of the Map was to create a place for both residents and visitors to look when they went to buy food that is grown, caught and produced here.
The ethos of the Food Trail is to promote locally sourced food, produced with respect for animal welfare and the environment, which tastes great and contributes to a sense of place.
Producers listed on the Food Trail website and the Map have had to show that their products are produced in accordance with current animal, food and drink regulation. Suppliers (hotels, restaurants, cafes and shops) have to be able to list the island produce they use or sell.
An up to date Map is printed in March each year and distributed around the island. There is also a Mull and Iona Food Trail website which has some producers on it who are not listed on the Map, so it is worth looking there too.
As well as listing producers and suppliers, the Food Trail promotes a series of events during the summer. These ‘Moveable Feasts’ can be anything from a guided farm walk followed by an amazing picnic, to a pop-up fine dining experience in a castle or a wonderful street food festival.
Have a look at our What’s On section for details of upcoming events.